Saturday, September 27, 2008


Here is Rachael. She is such a joy to work with. I had the pleasure to take pictures of her last year for Sweet 16. Now, we are moved to Senior Status.

We enjoyed the beautiful day. We couldn't asked for a better one in Grand Haven.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gift Bag

Gift Bag, originally uploaded by Nasus58.

Me and another gal took pictures for the web for our church's silent auction. The is my valiant attempt at it. I'm not much of an advertising photographer.


Sunflower, originally uploaded by Nasus58.

After taking pictures of a senior in Grand Haven, I dropped my kids off at my Grandma's. She has tons of different types of flowers. Of course, I was attracted to the sunflowers. Here is one of my favorite shots.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Blocking My Driveway

Blocking My Driveway, originally uploaded by Nasus58.

One would ask themselves, how many times does it take for a semi driver to back into the neighbor's yard and get stuck before they realize it doesn't work? It took this Jack twice. A car was coming so he got enough movement to get his rig out of the dirt road and further into the neighbor's yard. Then decided he would attempt to use our driveway to get to the road. Hmm. I'm not a truck driver but I know that they take wide turns. I live on a dirt road and look at my driveway??? He tried and failed. Our mailbox and electrical pole were in the way.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Spaghetti O's or warpaint?

Spaghetti O's or warpaint?, originally uploaded by Nasus58.

My child sure knows how to wear Spaghetti O's. He really got into it this time. All I can say is, "What a Mess!"

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hillary and Ben

Here are some family pictures from Saturday.


Here are a couple of pictures of my niece from Saturday. We started out in downtown Rockford and then ended up in Fallasburg at the covered bridge.